viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018


In some classes we had read and listen different photographers tips on their job; we also had seen some videos, and I personally learnt a lot with the Indian and the Australian photographers. Now I'm going to explain some of them. 

Rule of third: The rule of third proposes that an image should be imagined as divided into nine equal parts by two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines, and that important compositional elements should be placed along these lines or their intersections. Photographers says that aligning a subject with these points creates more tension, energy and interest in the composition than simply centering the subject; in this case the most  important thing in the picture is the dog. 
Resultado de imagen de rule of third

Photograpy is all about light. To let the camera "see" what you wish, you have tools controlling how much light reaches the camera sensor: the aperture and shutter speed controls. Now I'm going to talk about two ways to make your photographs look much better. 

Small Depth of FieldIn this picture we can see some fruits in the foreground and blurring in the background. I try to concrentrate the attention on them, giving an expression of proximility.
Imagen relacionada

Slow shooter speed: With the one of speed, in this quite image of Valencia, the blurry image give us a sensation of movement and at the same time a little bit of contrast.
Imagen relacionada

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Nowadays, there are a lot of fake news about famous people like actors, footballers, models... Fake news is written and published with the intention to damage an agency, entity, or person, and  gain financially or politically; but people also invent this fake news to become famous or a known person or to spread gossip. 

The relevance of fake news has increased.  For media outlets, the ability to attract viewers to their websites is necessary to generate online advertising revenue. If publishing a story with false content attracts users, this benefits advertisers and improves ratings.


October 2016: Appears an information about the finding of thousands of votes in favor of Clinton in a warehouse(Ohio). They were in sealed urns.One of the websites that disseminated the news reached 6.1 million readers,explains Crowdtangle.

lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018



A week ago our teacher asked us to make something for the European Day of languages so we did some cardboards saying "welcome" in many languages. 
We also watched a video where they showed us how to do many different types of lettering, some ones were esay but other ones were too difficult for us so we did the cardboard using the easiest types of lettering. 

 I know that my skills in drawing aren't very good but I did my best to make it as pretty as I could. 

We also have to take some pictures in the street to the shops or restaurant that has an unusual lettering. I went to the centre of Donostia San Sebastian and took a picture of the shop Brownie. I did it because I love this shop, the clothes are beautiful and I love all they sweaters. 


Here goes our entry about mass media!

The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication. In our daily life we use a lot of mass media but we are going to talk about three that we consider the most important.

- Television: we use it in our free time to be informed or to entertain alone or with friends and family.  We can watch series, reality-shows, the news or even documentaries. In the Basque Country the common channel is ETB1, it means "Euskal Telebista" in basque. It was created in 31st December 1986, since 1986 the emissions are emitted only in basque. We have to underline the series called Goenkale, that has 16 seasons.

- Newspaper: it is useful to inform us about local, national and international events and conflicts. We can buy it physically or read it online. The newspaper use to have different sections; sports, politics, society and economy are some of them.

- Radio: we use it to listen to music, to be informed about news, to listen interviews, etc. Gaztea is one of the most listened radio channel in the Basque Country. The first emission was in te 1990's and they are emiting nowadays too.


The teacher told us to do a little presentation about a city in the European union. So my friends Izaro June and I had a great idea; we aske...