lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018



A week ago our teacher asked us to make something for the European Day of languages so we did some cardboards saying "welcome" in many languages. 
We also watched a video where they showed us how to do many different types of lettering, some ones were esay but other ones were too difficult for us so we did the cardboard using the easiest types of lettering. 

 I know that my skills in drawing aren't very good but I did my best to make it as pretty as I could. 

We also have to take some pictures in the street to the shops or restaurant that has an unusual lettering. I went to the centre of Donostia San Sebastian and took a picture of the shop Brownie. I did it because I love this shop, the clothes are beautiful and I love all they sweaters. 


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The teacher told us to do a little presentation about a city in the European union. So my friends Izaro June and I had a great idea; we aske...