lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018



Two weeks ago, we contrasted our idea with Angulas Aginaga. We told them about our two projects: the filled eggs and the bocakriss. They mostly liked the bocakriss because it was very original and different from what they've been seen.

They told us it was a very interesing one because it wasn't a new recipe, but it was a new way to sell krissia and a new idea to eat it. Kids would like it because preparing it is funny for them.

Although it would reequire to buy a new machine to do the package, they told us they could do it.

So finally, we were really happy because our idea succeed quite a lot.
Talking about the staff of angulas, each of them has shown us different aspects of team-working. While Iñigo gave us the tools to orginise our work in graphics, Ainhoa took care of making us know the importance of good attitude towards poyects and works.
Iñigo taught two different types of schedules to organise the info, which I think will be really useful in many other subjects. These schedules consist of writing down the positive, negative, strong and weak points of the poyect. They're called SWOT and CANVAS.
To finish, a curiosity I remember from Ainhoa's talk, is that in every group there are different type of workers: corcho, plomo y cohete. They're definitely very representative adjectives. Let's try to be ROCKETS!!!








It all started a few months ago when we were told that we had to do a challenge in collaboration with a company called Angulas Aguinamar. The challenge consisted of creating a brand new product focused on introducing children to eat krissia in a way they like it. We were told that the product has to have the following features. The product we were about to create had to be easy to use and it had to be clean.  



Our idea consisted of a package that contains krissia, bread slices and cheese slices too all of them combined in different containers in the package. Two of the virtues of our product are the fact that it is easy to carry wherever you want, its easy to prepare as well as it offers different combinations.

       The biggest problem we faced was that our product needed new packaging machines and buying products from other businesses.  Regarding the process of making it possible, Angulas Aguinaga should make an investment in new machines , that would be the strongest challenge the company would face.

     Our product has many features that were asked when the challenge was proposed. For example, its accesible for children in terms of preparation. For the production of the product we would just need the aforementioned machine.
We consider our product the most suitable because children can consume al the benefits of fish in a delicious way. 

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2018



 Last Monday Javier De Miguel gave us a masterclass in Visual Thinking. I have to say that it was very interesting, more than I have expected, but also stressful. We learnt how to draw and  make something attractive. But we could have some more classes to become experts. 


The teacher told us to do a little presentation about a city in the European union. So my friends Izaro June and I had a great idea; we aske...