jueves, 4 de abril de 2019



The debate of Science Vs Arts and which one outwits the other is an eternal one. If science is about fact, art is about fiction and debates. If Science delves into the world and beyond, Arts is about searching within. 

Benefits of studying science:

  • Studying science equips a student with essential skills that make them employable.
  • A student will be at an advantage to discover and invent things that would be beneficial to the society at large. 
  • Science subjects like Biology teaches us how living things work, Physics enlightens us with the working of the universe and Chemistry helps us with the knowledge of various chemical processes and how they can be utilized.

Benefits of studying arts:
  • Studying Arts or Humanities help a student develop powers of analysis and expression.
  • Though the study of arts may not make you directly employable, it prepares you for future jobs that require good communication skills, logical reasoning and analytical ability. 

1 comentario:


The teacher told us to do a little presentation about a city in the European union. So my friends Izaro June and I had a great idea; we aske...