lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018


Our teacher told us that we had to do a presentation about a famous photographer. My friend and I we chose Annie Leibovitz, one of the most famous photographer in the world. She is an american portrait photographer, so that is why I took a photo to my sister a few weeks ago. 

In this photograph I want to emphasize obviously her face, but also the contrast between the white of her t-shirt and the background and the black of her hair and the jumper. This photograph isn't very usual, because of her expression; in photographs we want to appear always smiling, but I think that this photo shows us that you don't have to appear perfect to look perfect.


This is the presentation that Aitor Puy and I did it about Annie Leibovitz, one of the most famous photographer nowadays. She is an american portrait photographer and she had worked for ROLLING STONE magazine, VANITY FAIR and nowadays she is working for VOGUE. She had taken a really good photographs like the one of John Lennon naked with Yoko Ono and for example the other of Mick Jagger in the lift; this photographs are explained in the presentation with more details. 


The teacher told us to do a little presentation about a city in the European union. So my friends Izaro June and I had a great idea; we aske...